Monday 4 th February 2019

Vegan and paleo!. Why not unite both approaches, taking the best of each one, to form a diet that is even better?
Wednesday 6 th December 2017

Sunlight, warm temperatures, sports, nature, … from the Natural Hygiene or Life Science perspective, it is considered that for a person to enjoy good health, they need to obtain all elements that are essential in life: pure air and water, the appropriate nutrients, sunlight, nature, physical exercise, rest, sleep, emotional stability, etc. (see description and detailed list in this article)
Nevertheless, in our busy everyday life, it is difficult to fulfil all of these needs. There is always an element that is missing in every person: for some it is a healthy diet, for others it is sufficient sleep, or physical exercise, emotional stability, etc. However, it seems that we survive, and even manage to live in good health, despite missing some of these essential elements in our lives.
Saturday 25 th June 2016

This article has been extracted by the “Digestive Physiology and Food Combining” by T.C..Fry
Thursday 5 th May 2016

Tuesday 3 rd May 2016

The human body is possessed of an intelligence and order that is incomprehensible to our intellects. While many humans are vain and will not admit to an inability to know and understand, let’s face it—we are all finite in our capacities. We cannot comprehend the concept of infinity and we are mystified by many realities of existence.