I offer my advices and coaching in the following diets:
* Top Fruit Diet, Dr. Gemma Calzada
* GAPS Diet, “Gut and Psychology Syndrome”, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
* The 80/10/10 Diet, Dr. Douglas Graham
* The Mucusless Diet, Prof. Arnold Ehret
* The Dissociated Diet, Herbert Shelton and T.C. Fry
* Seignalet Diet, Dr. Jean Seignalet
* Gluten Free Diet
* Dairy Free Diet
* Sugar Free Diet
* Low FODMAP Diet
* Low Histamine Diet
* Vegetarian Diet
* Vegan Diet
* Raw Food Diet
* Frugivore Diet
If you want to know which diet suits better for you, I will be delighted to accompany you in the process of discovering which diet you need in order to achieve your goals in terms of improving your health.