Wednesday 17 th May 2023

Although we don’t know exactly what is the cause of cramps, it is usual to recommend the supplementation of magnesium or the intake of food that is rich in this mineral in order to treat and prevent cramps.
But magnesium supplementation has some side effects, and food rich in magnesium is not very effective.
In this article I suggest another option that addresses the origin of the lack of magnesium, and consequently, cramps.
Wednesday 22 nd February 2023

Cholesterol level is one of the most usual blood tests, and reaching certain age, the level often exceeds the normal range.
Doctors recommend to adopt certain nutritional mesures and more physical activity, but if it is not effective enough to get the levels down, they recommend to take statins.
It is admitted that statins have some associated side effects, such as muscle, liver and neurologic damage, and an increase of blood sugar and type 2 diabetes. But because the severity of the adverse effects associated to a high cholesterol rate, such as heart attack or embolism, it is argued that the benefits of this medicine overweight the drawbacks.
Is there not any other solution besides statins to control the cholesterol? What is the reason why some people have high cholesterol?
Tuesday 17 th January 2023

The effect that every food has in our health is extremely complex; it is multifactorial. In a same person, it could be different, depending on their physical and emotional condition, and evidently, it differs depending on the person. But studying many cases, it is possible to infer the tendency of certain food.
In most of the people, the body usually adapts to the consumption of our daily food, developing a tolerance. Even if these food are unhealthy, the body apparently doesn’t show any adverse effect; the same way that when starting to smoke or consuming alcohol the effects are prominent, but after some time the body gets use to it and it doesn’t react anymore, the same applies to certain food.
In this article I summarize the link between the intake of certain food and our health.
Friday 6 th January 2023

The Mediterranean diet is famous for being one of the healthiest in the planet. Comparing the consumption of different food in central and northern Europe with the southern Europe, we can see that there are clear differences regarding nutrition.
The avantages of the Mediterranean diet are usually associated to the extended use of olive oil, the high intake of fish, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and the moderation on red meat and sugary food.
In order to elucidate what are the true reasons of the success of the Mediterranean diet, we are going to compare the southern countries such as Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey with central and northern countries such as Germany, Nederland, Switzerland, Belgium and United Kingdom.
Sunday 13 th June 2021

Allergies, asthma, multiple chemical sensitivity, electrosensitivity, hypersensitivity to sun, noise, smells, stress... different types of hypersensitivity are explained by the Natural Hygiene approach as an extraordinary elimination process, that happen when there is a toxemic overload in the body. In this post I explain with detail this process and I discuss a method of desensitization.
Photo by Shena Tschofen