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Number of results 2 for flu

17/01/2020 - Colds and Flus
We have been taught that colds and flus are caused by viruses, and medicines are prescribed for coughing, fever and pain.
Natural Hygiene has a very different perspective about these diseases, their cause and their treatment. In this post T.C.Fry’s teachings about the common cold and influenza are explained, from his book "The Life Science Health System" 


10/01/2013 - Prevent winter illnesses

flu, rhinopharyngite, angina...
it is never too late to prevent illness thanks to the nutrition!

Come and learn how to better eat in the winter.
How to boost your immune system with foods that will strengthen you.
Discover why inadequate food and toxics make you get sick.
Protect your children from the microbes of the winter by strengthening their defences!

Start a new year in good health!

with Gemma Calzada

Wednesday 23th January 2013
9am to 10am


at Life Motivations Center
5, chemin de la Radio, 1293 Bellevue, Geneva

Price: CHF 20.- Seats are limited.
Reservation: gemmac@lifemotivations.ch

Phone: +41 22 518 07 92