Saturday 23 rd February 2019
The scientific literature on nutrition is very complex and full of contradictions. I am very critical about experts and very grateful to have met Gemma five years ago when I was looking for answers about celiac disease. At present, I am interested in nutrition as a general health and lifestyle issue. I started with a Paleo / GAPS diet for six months, followed by an essentially vegetarian diet. For the past five months, I have been on a natural hygiene diet (life science) based only on whole and fresh raw fruit, with an intermittent daily fasting. Symptoms I had, such as bad breath and hemorrhoids, completely disappeared for the first time in ten years. I also feel more vitality and brain clarity.
Gemma kindly advised me during these five years. She explained the different theories in a simple way so that I could decide what to do. She helped me apply them, from theory to practical advice, with recipes and weekly menus, as well as cooking lessons. She also supported me in decisions to be made at key moments (dips of tension, exaggerated weight loss), to become self-taught and to listen to my body (for example, to determine which foods suit me), and to become aware of the impact of sport, stress, emotions and sun on my health. Obviously, she does not have the answers to all the questions, but she admits it without any problem when it occurs.
Gemma is open, critical, scientific and passionate about nutrition and health in general. I particularly appreciate her thorough and up-to-date knowledge of nutrition and her honesty (she never tried to sell me nutrition products). We arrange an appointment in person or by videoconference when I need it, and she replys to my emails in less than 24 hours. I recommend Gemma's coaching warmly and without reservation!
Gemma kindly advised me during these five years. She explained the different theories in a simple way so that I could decide what to do. She helped me apply them, from theory to practical advice, with recipes and weekly menus, as well as cooking lessons. She also supported me in decisions to be made at key moments (dips of tension, exaggerated weight loss), to become self-taught and to listen to my body (for example, to determine which foods suit me), and to become aware of the impact of sport, stress, emotions and sun on my health. Obviously, she does not have the answers to all the questions, but she admits it without any problem when it occurs.
Gemma is open, critical, scientific and passionate about nutrition and health in general. I particularly appreciate her thorough and up-to-date knowledge of nutrition and her honesty (she never tried to sell me nutrition products). We arrange an appointment in person or by videoconference when I need it, and she replys to my emails in less than 24 hours. I recommend Gemma's coaching warmly and without reservation!
Saturday 1 st October 2016
Arnau does not have a clear diagnostics. The doctors talk about autistic spectrum, development delay, … The physiological diseases he presents when he first comes to my consultation are: bloating and abdominal distention, parasites, sensitive skin, very frequent and strong bronchial spasm attacks and otitis.
He follows several alternative therapies: homeopathy, osteophaty, and development stimulation such as Tomatis. He’s already having a gluten-free, sugar-free, and dairy-free diet that have allowed an important improvement, but his evolution is still deficient.
Thanks to food intolerance tests, we discover that Arnau is suffering some food intolerances.
We install a GAPS diet taking into account these food intolerances.
Putting GAPS diet into practice is not easy for the family. Arnau suffers a regression in his cognitive skills: disconnection, return of some stereotypes, … but they persevere with the diet, and very slowly they begin to appreciate the improvements.
Finally, we succeed to remove the bronchial spams and Arnau begins to experience a normal development: oral expression, concentration, memory and motivation. Two years afterwards, it’s possible to reintroduce some food and go out GAPS diet without problems.
You can read his father’s testimonial:
He follows several alternative therapies: homeopathy, osteophaty, and development stimulation such as Tomatis. He’s already having a gluten-free, sugar-free, and dairy-free diet that have allowed an important improvement, but his evolution is still deficient.
Thanks to food intolerance tests, we discover that Arnau is suffering some food intolerances.
We install a GAPS diet taking into account these food intolerances.
Putting GAPS diet into practice is not easy for the family. Arnau suffers a regression in his cognitive skills: disconnection, return of some stereotypes, … but they persevere with the diet, and very slowly they begin to appreciate the improvements.
Finally, we succeed to remove the bronchial spams and Arnau begins to experience a normal development: oral expression, concentration, memory and motivation. Two years afterwards, it’s possible to reintroduce some food and go out GAPS diet without problems.
You can read his father’s testimonial:
Friday 30 th September 2016
Samuel suffers multiple chemical sensitivity. He can’t tolerate any chemical substance such as medicines, pesticides, sweeteners, preservatives, personal hygiene products, etc. His mother says that he has allergy to everything.
With a low histamine GAPS diet, ecological, and rich in vegetables we succeed to completely control the epileptic crisis in this 16 years old boy without any kind of medicine.
You can read his mother’s testimonial:
With a low histamine GAPS diet, ecological, and rich in vegetables we succeed to completely control the epileptic crisis in this 16 years old boy without any kind of medicine.
You can read his mother’s testimonial:
Thursday 29 th September 2016
Ana M. comes to my consultation because his autistic son Victor when he’s 26. Ana has tried all kind of alternative treatments, and thanks to that, his son has greatly improved since he was a baby.
When Victor follows the GAPS diet he experiences another important improvement that greatly satisfy Ana. This is her testimonial:
When Victor follows the GAPS diet he experiences another important improvement that greatly satisfy Ana. This is her testimonial:
Friday 3 rd June 2016
Gabrielle suffers Lyme disease. On her fist visit, she talked about her symptoms which were imporant gastro-intestinal disorders; cramps; strong pain often even causing her immobility, migraines; fatigue; dizziness; tingling and spots in front of her eyes. Furthermore, she had a tendency to depression and changeable mood. She had followed a vegetarian diet for several years and had also tried many different therapies and diets.
You can read a brief explanation below about the way she became healthy again thanks to the Natural Hygiene approach.
You can read a brief explanation below about the way she became healthy again thanks to the Natural Hygiene approach.