Headline news

Thursday 8 th February 2018
Auto-immune diseases and allergies have in common that they are considered by conventional medicine as a malfunction of immune system.
But, are there any other hypothesis? Is it possible that in reality the organism is not wrong, but it is giving the most adequate response in the given circumstances?
If it’s not a failure of the immune system, have the anti-inflammatory remedies any sense?


Sunday 23 rd April 2017
Irritability, aggressiveness, borderline personality disorder, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder, development delay,  defiant oppositional disorder, and insomnia are some symptoms seen in alcoholics. But alcohol may also induce the opposite effects: depression, hypoactivity, somnolence, brain fog, social apathy, anxiety, etc. 
If the person never drinks alcohol, how is it possible that they show characteristics of an alcoholic person?
The answer is: a yeast-like fungus infection or intestinal candidiasis. In this article we are going to explore the topic of yeast overgrowth: testing, causes, consequences and treatments.

Saturday 22 nd April 2017
Although in the occidental world we don’t suffer of hungry, undernutrition is common in most of the children and adults. Because symptoms of lack of nutrients are present in most of the people, we think it’s normal.
In this article, I would like to alert parents about the danger that we and our children are exposed because of our incorrect way of eating and living, showing how to identify a possible case of malnutrition.


Sunday 12 th February 2017
In a previous article I introduced the narrow relationship between body and mind; and I concluded that a physical and/or psychological perturbation may be the origin of any physical and/or psychological disease.
In this present article I would like to focus on the influence of physical disorders on psychological diseases, and more specifically, to what extend nutrition can change our mind.


Sunday 12 th February 2017
Raynaud’s disease, tingling and numbness in hands and feet, cramps, fatigue, concentration difficulty, drowsiness, … these diseases may have different causes, but one of the most important one is a problem in the circulatory system, that prevents to provide the needed energy to the extremities and to the brain.
After experiencing these diseases for several years, I explain in this article my conclusions about the influence of nutrition and life style on these diseases.

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