Headline news

Friday 6 th February 2015
In the media we can often find information about the thousand virtues of certain foods: omega3 in flaxseed that is good for the brain, phytohormones in soy that are good for menopause, garlic and onion are antibiotics, chocolate, coffee and wine are still claimed to be beneficial due to their anti-oxidant properties... But what about the harmful effects of these foods? Why are the effects of such as phytic acid in flaxseed; lectins, saponins, oxalates, digestive enzyme inhibitors and goitrogens in soy; alicin in garlic and onion; tannins in chocolate, coffee and wine; oxalates and histamine in chocolate and coffee not considered?
In this article we will address the issue of antinutrients, one of the most controversial questions from the point of view of the different nutritionist trends.


Saturday 4 th October 2014
It is a well-known fact that refined sugar is unhealthy: it causes tooth decay, obesity, diabetes, some studies also relate it to cardiovascular, rheumatological, neurological diseases and even to cancer. So it is better to use healthier alternatives to sweeten desserts.
There are endless alternatives to white sugar: different types of sugar like brown sugar, coconut sugar or palm sugar; different types of syrups such as rice syrup, maple syrup and agave syrup; fructose, honey, xylitol, or sweeteners such as saccharin, aspartame, stevia, ... So, which are the best options?

Friday 12 th September 2014
In our modern and developed Western society, most people have plenty of food. Even the poor can go to community centers where they do not lack food. How do we explain then that there are so many nutrient deficiencies?


Wednesday 20 th August 2014
In summer we often feel like eating fruit: it is refreshing, sweet and a healthy choice for snacks and breakfast. Fruits provide valuable vitamins, minerals; they are detoxifying, antioxidant and help to regulate the digestion, etc. 
It’s a very valuable food, furthermore, some people can suffer some discomfort and even more serious gastro-intestinal disorders when eating some kind of fruits, they can have some intolerances or allergies.
However, there are many questions that arise when it comes to eating them. How should we eat them:  with or without their peel, before or after meals, fruit juice or whole fruit, etc.?

Thursday 26 th June 2014
Saturated Fats get a very bad press. In general, they are associated with arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, as well as having a reputation for making you fat. But some nutritionists have a completely different opinion, and believe that saturated fats are necessary for good health. Which of the two opinions is right? What are the arguments supporting each of the two opinions?

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