
Our organism has its own natural mechanisms of cleansing:

  • Glutathione: the quintessential sweeper, the master antioxidant, but make too many demands on it and it will not function correctly.
  • Excretory system: liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, intestine. These should carry out their role of cleansing without getting clogged up, otherwise toxins will accumulate in the body and lead to illness.

Where do these toxins derive from?

There are xenobiotics which come from outside our bodies and toxins, which come from inside.
Xenobiotics are found in many substances which surround us and which can penetrate our body during respiration, ingestion or through our skin. These substances are numerous : pesticides, flame retardant, mercury, aluminium, cadmium, BPA, phthalates, etc. If there is sizeable chronic exposure to one or many toxins and the body is unable to expel them, then illness will surely follow.
The toxins derive from excessive proliferation of bad, pathogenic bacteria in our intestine. This is known as intestinal dysbiosis. These bacteria produce toxins like ammonia, methane, alcohol, benzoic acid, propanoate, putrescine, etc. Some of these are also neurotoxic.
These toxins must be eliminated by the excretory system, but if the organs are overwhelmed, the toxins will circulate around the body and trigger various illnesses.

How to detoxify the body?

First of all, all the sources of intoxication must be stopped, both xenobiotics and toxins, to give a chance to the body to use its own normal detox functions to cleanse itself. In order to do that, the sources must be identified, with the help of medical tests and a specialised therapist.
Once the organism has recovered enough strength, if it’s still needed, a more specific cleansing treatment of the excretory system is studied.
But in my opinion, is quite dangerous to perform heavy metals detox treatments, or chelation, because it puts toxic metals in circulation and they damage the body as they pass through. These heavy metals must be eliminated gently and naturally through the natural channels already in the body.
The last step will be following a healthy nutrition and lifestyle, in order to keep a clean body. If toxics and toxins pollute the body again, then the process of detoxification should start again from the beginning.